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Anyone who struggles with life can get help, anytime, anywhere

Our mission is to make professional counselling accessible, affordable, convenient.

Moner Bondhu is a mental healthcare and wellbeing platform in Bangladesh working since 2016 towards SDG 3.4 to provide accessible and affordable mental healthcare to all. With their experienced and certified psycho-social experts, advocates and mental health workers and 1500 volunteers and dynamic management team they have reached over 4 million people online and more than 1 hundred thousand people through events. Tawhida Shiropa is the founder and CEO of Moner Bondhu, She has 13 years of experience in this social sector. She is an Acumen fellow and US state department fellow (IVLP fellow).

Recently, Moner Bondhu has recieved the Tommy Hilfiger Fashion Frontier Challenge. Besides that, Moner Bondhu is also the portfolio invested company of Startup Bangladesh, winner of the Call for Nation 2020 champion and has many more achievements.

During COVID-19, Moner Bondhu provided free 24/7 video and tele counseling. From March to December they served over 18000 calls from 52 districts in Bangladesh and 10 different countries.

Recently we have started to work on courses and content development, as well as bringing end to end solutions available anywhere in the world with the help of technology. With the support of UNDP, under the COVID-19 Crisis Response Project where Moner Bondhu was the implementing partner, we have provided free 24/7 video and tele counseling. From March to December they served over 18000 calls from 52 districts in Bangladesh and 10 different countries. Moner Bondhu also partnered up with BGMEA and supported the RMG workers in 50 different factories.

Our approach to mental healh

24/7 Help

Moner Bondhu is with you round the clock, with it's 24/7 hotline, and trained counsellors, experts, technology stacks, apps and staff to work and improve the global mental health status, with a unique focus on just mental health.

Well-being Space

Our inperson sessions are taken in a wonderful wellbeing space in Lalmatia. Visit our office and refresh your mind with a quick yoga session.

End to End Solution

With the emergence of fourth industrial revolution, Moner Bondhu aims to reach the maximum amount of people with the least friction. Which is why, Moner Bondhu provides their service through a data driven end to end solution developed with accessibility and affordability in mind.


Moner Bondhu is reputed for it's confidentiality maintenance. Your information or interactions with Moner Bondhu are never disclosed or used without your permission. We uphold industry standards to keep your data safe both in our technology development and staff training.

Friends of the mind. Our team, our story


Me, my mother,
and my journey

When I came to Dhaka from a small town in Northern Bangladesh, I had nothing with me but my ambition to do something big, something great. It was not an easy journey for me. But with the establishment of Moner Bondhu, I can now proudly say that my social enterprise has helped thousands of people and is changing how mental health is regarded in my country.

In 2015, my mother suffered from depression. And going through the journey as a family, I experienced firsthand the importance of professional mental health care. At the same time, at my then office, I oversaw a supplement that included a confession box. Every day, thousands of people wrote to me about their mental health struggles.

These two experiences revived my ambitions to make a difference. It became my dream to make mental health care and well-being services available to all. In 2016, I had an idea that led to the creation of Moner Bondhu.

In addition to the stigma and lack of awareness, I feel that mental health is a very neglected sector. This has led to challenging negotiations with Moner Bondhu and investors.

But despite it all, my ambitions remain. The same aspirations I came to Dhaka with all those years ago. I want Moner Bondhu to become a household name and a leading force for change.

Our Team

Our compassionate team of experienced counsellors are dedicated to guiding you on your path to healing and personal growth. With diverse expertise and a commitment to your well-being, they are here to support you every step of the way.

Download report

Our proven track record reflects the positive impact of our counselling services, a transformative journey towards better mental well-being, support, and guidance.

We have a strong record in mental health in professional organisations


5.3 Million people have availed our services via group workshops and programmes.


670k hours of counseling sessions by our professional and counselors and psychologists.


With high impact, Moner Bondhu has sucessfully provided support to more than 391 organizations, companies and corporates.


101k+ individual clients have taken our counseling services.