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Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh Organizes Awareness Seminar on World Mental Health Day


On October 10th , 2024, Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh (SRBD) organized an awareness session for employees titled ‘Mental Health at Work’ as part of World Mental Health Day.

The event took place at the SRBD Cafeteria, with counsellors from Moner Bondhu providing their expertise. Many SRBD employees attended the session.

The event started off with a marvelous welcome speech from Md. Shaiful Islam, Head of HR. Afterwards, the counsellors from Moner Bondhu started the session with a relaxation and mindfulness exercise.


They highlighted common workplace mental health issues, and strategies on how to combat them. They also provided insights on personal & career growth, as well as micro-tips for mindfulness. The session ended with a meditation session.

In this session, employees of SRBD were provided guidance on how to improve their mental wellbeing, and it shed light on the path of improving mental health.

As a result, the employees of SRBD really enjoyed attending this awareness session, and have found it to be useful and productive. The employees are now looking forward to more sessions on such topics such as mental health, wellbeing, and life skill improvement.



Source : Samsung Research

মনের বন্ধুতে কাউন্সেলিং নিতে যোগাযোগ করুন: ০১৭৭৬৬৩২৩৪৪।

📍: ৮ম ও ৯ম তলা, ২/১৬, ব্লক-বি, লালমাটিয়া, ঢাকা

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