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Awareness Session at Satkhira with BdOSN


Moner Bondhu and Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) organized an extensive day-long session for 120 students at Shaheed Kamel Model High School in Tala Upazila, Satkhira. The primary goal was to raise awareness about mental health among teenagers, offering insights into dealing with emotional changes during adolescence.

Moner Bondhu consistently ensures top-notch service in all services, emphasizing participant privacy, non-discriminatory services, and sessions led by skilled and experienced counselors. Our commitment extends to upholding the UN Women's Principles and Ethical Code of Conduct.

MentalHealth Wellbeing MentalHealth MentalHealthAwareness AdolescentMentalHealth FriendOfYourMind EthicalMentalHealth EmpoweringYouth MentalHealthMatters BdOSN MonerBondhu

মনের বন্ধুতে কাউন্সেলিং নিতে যোগাযোগ করুন: ০১৭৭৬৬৩২৩৪৪।

📍: ৮ম ও ৯ম তলা, ২/১৬, ব্লক-বি, লালমাটিয়া, ঢাকা

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